Rodent Control
Services Avaliable In Multiple Locations.
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Dangers Of Rodents
Rodents, such as rats and mice, can be dangerous to humans as well as animals. The main reason these small animals are dangerous is due to the vast amount of dieseases they can carry such as, Hantavirus, Salmonellosis and Leptospirosis, to name a few. Some of these diseases can be fatal, so if you suspect you have an infestation it is imperative to have it tackled by a professional.
Along with diseases, rodents can also cause structural damage to a home when left unchecked.
They will gnaw through pipes, electrical cabling and insulation, which can then become extremely costly to fix.
The main problem with Rodents is that they can reproduce quickly, so a small problem can quickly turn into a massive one which will be even harder to remedy. Along with reproducing quickly they will attract other pests (fleas, ticks etc) which come with their own problems and diseases.
If you suspect you have an infestation, please give us a call. Rodents will cause a lot of damage and pose many health risks to yourself, your family, staff, tenants, or whoever uses the property.
Hire a professional, have the problem sorted quickly and efficiently and say goodbye to any pest that has made your property it’s home.
Our Services
Mice Infestation Removal
Mice are small rodents with pointed snouts, round ears, and long tails. They are much smaller than the common Rat.
However that does not mean they cause less damage. A Mouse can still chew through pipes, cables, wood fixtures and insulation.
Prevention of Mice in a property can be done via keeping all food in airtight containers, not leaving any food sources inside or outside a property and making sure you keep clutter inside and outside a property to the bare minimum.
Here at Emergency Pest Control UK, we pride ourselves in being able to rid areas of Mice quickly and efficiently. And making sure we take our dudilligence on aftercare, ensuring a Mice infestation never happens again. -
Rat Infestation Removal
Rats are small to medium-sized rodents known for their sharp teeth, long tails, and pointed snouts.
They are a lot larger than a Mouse which is the most common distinction between the two.
A good way to tell if you have either Rats or Mice is through analyising their droppings. Rats have much larger droppings.
They also cause the same amount of damage as mice, chewing through pipes, cables, wood fixtures and insulation.
Prevention of Rats is the same as the prevention of Mice. Keep food contained in airtight containers, reduce clutter inside and outside of the property. Give them no reason to call your property home.
Here at Emergency Pest Control UK we pride ourselves in being able to rid areas of Rats quickly and efficiently. And making sure we take our dudilligience on aftercare, ensuring a Rat infestation never happens again.
Contact Us For A Free Quote.
If you are having trouble with Rodents within your property. Please fill in the contact form below and let us give you a free quote.
Never leave an infestation unchecked, the problem will only grow and the damages and costs will mount.